Wednesday, 4 February 2009
What We Learned
We hope that you enjoyed our site. We hope that you learned a little something about human/environment interaction in South Africa. We sure did. Now here are some questions about South Africa that you can feel free to answer in the comments section.
#1. What do you think of the play pump? Do you think that it was a good idea? Yes or no, explain.
#2. How do you think that we could help to make a difference in South Africa with their pollution and environmental issues? Explain.
#3. Do you think that South Africa is very polluted? Yes or No? Explain
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Environmental Problems In South Africa

Environmental problems in Africa
The environmental problems seem to be key challenges of the XXIst century. In the previous years the world politics and every person in general was occupied with politics and wars. But with the development of new technologies, with the increasing number of plants and factories all kind of manufacturing in general, a huge shift was made towards the environmental issues. The terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments have declined in virtually all aspects. New developments in industry and manufacturing were root causes of environmental degradation over the past three decades. The rapid growth of population, urbanization and globalization are the driving force of the environmental problems. However, the challenge is extremely high not only for the well-developed regions, but in poor parts of the world as well. Such environmental problems as land degradation, deforestation, declining of marine resources and water scarcity of deteriorating of water and air quality are on the priority list in Africa. Despite, Africa possesses wealthy natural resources many Africans live in poverty unable to benefit from the African wealth because of uneven distribution across the continent and partly because of African complicated history over the past 50 years after the decolonization.
Africa has a vast majority of poor states and regions, and poverty is a major reason and consequence of the environmental degradation. The present paper ascertains the small research on the environmental issues in Africa. In the work I will analyze one Africa region, demonstrating its problems in the environment. At the end I will point out the root cause of these problems and suggest possible ways out, if there are any.
In general a vast majority of countries in Africa depend more on their natural resource base for economic and social needs than any other region in the world. Thus, two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa's people live in rural areas and rely on agriculture and other natural resources for income. Sub-Saharan states of Africa are right the countries, where environmental problems are first on the agenda. The environmental problems have already waited a long time for their turn. Among them there are air and water pollution, inefficient use of natural resources, oil spills and so on. Environmental problems of sub-Saharan Africa also include air and water pollution, deforestation, loss of soil and soil fertility, and a dramatic decline in biodiversity throughout the region. nest paragraphs will face the problems in more details.
It is quite understandable that the environmental problems in Sub-Sahar region are crucial and severe. The most compelling problem in Sub-Saharan Africa is that it has one of the world's fastest growing populations (approximately 2.2% a year). With the fast grow of the population the environmental challenge increase. By the year 2025 according to some estimation, the population of the African people will be over a billion. This means that the environmental challenges will definitely double or triple. Some literature indicate that Sub-African countries managed to perform more effective economic policies, which influenced the development in the region in general, but GDP growth has stagnated recently and it is obvious that with the stagnation of the economics will cause decrease in the solution of the ecological challenges.
Poverty also is the main factor that influences the development of the environmental issues. And it also exists in Sub-Sahar region, despite the region is not that poor in the comparison with other regions in Africa and in spite of the wealth natural resources. In general the problems in sub-Sahar and in Africa in common was addressed during the World Summit on sustainable Development (WSSD) which was help in South Africa in August 2002. Basically, the material of the summit points out main environmental problems and challenges. The key issues which dominate African environmental problems were addressed during the summit. They include:
1. Water pollution and sanitation. First of all water pollution is caused by oil transmission n ship ports, water resources poor management, lack of financial resources required for sustainable development and efficient utilization of resources, absence of effective regional and basin development plans and shared management, and under-estimation of the groundwater potential to supplement irrigation and drinking water supplies. Thus, Africa's freshwater problems are acute and worsening. Freshwater shortage is the two greatest limits to development in Africa;
2. Energy. Energy consumption in sub-Saharan Africa varies dramatically and dominates fuel consumption. According to reports the use of wood for fuel is predominant in both rural and urban locations and accounts for approximately 70% of total energy use. This cause another problem deforestation. In Sub-Sahara region Nigeria consistently leads to commercial energy consumption. Thus, according to data in 2001, Nigeria consumed 0.92 quadrillion Btu (quads), 32% of all energy consumed in the region. Although domestic demand for energy consumption in sub-Saharan Africa is growing rapidly, consumption levels remain well below world averages. I would like to mention but few words about deforestation. Africa is home to one of the world's largest rain forests. It is obvious that rain forests are lungs of the Earth and their reduction cause air pollution. They protect and stabilize soils, recycle nutrients and regulate the quality and flow of water. Deforestation is one of the most pressing environmental problems not only in Africa but in other parts of the world and has negative implications for the local and global environment. Forests cover about 22 per cent of the region, but they are disappearing faster than anywhere else in the developing world. During the 1980s Africa lost 10.5 per cent of its forests. Thus, African forests are shrinking as a result of deforestation;
3. Deforestation causes another problem - biodiversity. The richness of African biodiversity requires greater protection and a sustainable use that will ensure the income of those who depend on it. There is a need to maximize biodiversity landscape protection, to give priority to biodiversity areas close to areas of high population density, and to give balanced attention to such regions as the arid and semi-arid areas.
4. Oil pollution. Oil pollution is one of the issues that must be specified being a controversial subject of heated discussion among the representatives of the academia. In a number of countries such as Nigeria and Angola, fore example, oil is the principle source of benefits. However it is pretty clear that new technologies used in oil exploration are extremely harmful for the environment. Environmental problems are common and rise heated debates. On the one hand, it expands relations among states, diversify trade relations, bring benefits. But, on the other hand, the benefits from oil are not fairly distributed among the population. The revenues from oil mainly belong to some local government communities or certain groups of interest. But the commons of Sub-Sahara have to face the oil-related problems.
5Agriculture. Increased food insecurity resulting from rapid population growth, degradation of agriculture and arable lands, and mismanagement of available water resources combined with poor economic policies to support food production. Land degradation is also a serious environmental problem. However, Africa owns vast areas of unexploited arable land which could be exploited in the future through the integrated management of land, water and human resources.
After the Summit was held sub-Saharan Africa many problems were clear. To summarize, the address of environmental issues first of all lie in environmental awareness. But what was done to address the challenges? First, many problems in this region received more attention than in past and The United States pledged $4.5 billion over the next three years to combat HIV/AIDS and improve access to safe water. Many projects were launched by international organizations and NGOs in order to promote forest conservation. European Union was also involved in the process of combating the issues and helped in brining water and sanitation services. These events were helpful but did not solve the whole spectrum of problems. Moreover, it is clear that external participation is not obviously enough in addressing complicated problems. It is understandable that local governments have to work hard on the solving. The environmental problems that were addressed in the paper are not unique and can be found in many regions of our planet, especially where poverty flourish. But not only poverty is the decisive factor in pollution. Russia, for example is the state which suffers from the water and air pollution caused by nuclear developments. The problem was not resolved completely as Russia does not want to cease the development of nuclear infrastructure, but it was addressed at least party. It is important to notice that a vast majority of states face environmental issues and problems, they may vary from region to region, but in general almost every region on this planet where urbanization or globalization takes place is a subject to environmental problems. Moreover, environmental issues may vary from one region to another, but still may have an impact upon different sphere of economics or social spheres. To cap it all the environmental issues need regular monitoring, assessments and public reports of the state.
Water pollution is one of the examples of growing global awareness and efforts made to combat the issue. It must be noticed that the environmental impacts associated with oil exploration and development was the controversy surrounding the World Bank's approval of the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Project in June 2000.
Thus, the summit, which was held on Sub-Sahar issue draw the attention of a number of developing states and the world hegemony the United States as well as regional or international organizations. The awareness of the problems made these entities to collaborate on the issue. The increase of problems awareness influenced also the attention of local governments. But it is clear that some states of Africa because of their poverty undoubtedly need the interference of stronger states in the resolution of the problems. It was stated at the beginning of the paper that environmental problems are rather new and some of them are not more that 10 or 20 year old. To most extent they were caused by globalization and urbanization. Thus, is they are caused by global inadequate levels of population grow and demands for more water and oil, then the burden of their resolution is also global. It is true that the increase in environmental awareness made people more persistent in the demands toward local governments. But the forceful demands are not enough, as significant regions in Africa are poor and suffer from poverty issue. This means that it is important to increase environmental awareness within the general public, but because of poverty it can not lead sometimes to strong and necessary changes. Hence, the key challenge for Sub-African region is to reduce poverty. New approaches must be found and it is important to organize investment climate. Establishing a positive investment climate in Africa is increasingly important to face the environmental problems in the regions, which are only involved in oil production.
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Pollution in South Africa

Water is perhaps South Africa's most critical resource - one of low abundance and growing needs. Tie that with problems of increased land use and population growth and you have several big reasons for concern.
South Africa's freshwater supply is almost stretched to its limit. Less than 10% of South Africa’s rainfall is available as surface water, one of the lowest conversion ratios in the world. The country’s groundwater resources are equally limited.
Despite regulations of river waters, in many catchments the need for water exceeds the supply and quality is often below standards. Given the projected growth in population and economic development, South Africa faces tough times in meeting water demands in the decades ahead.
The shortfall in freshwater is tied to growing demands, but also to other issues such as loss of natural habitat and potentially climate change.
The land of the "fine-leaved plants", the South African Fynbos, is one of the world’s most impressive botanical kingdoms - a mind-boggling variety of plants that is richer than any other comparable sized area in Africa. An estimated 8,500 species of vascular plants, of which 70% are endemic (they are found nowhere else in the world), are reported here.
But because the area has been heavily settled for several centuries, large swathes of natural vegetation, particularly in the lowlands, have been cleared for agriculture and urban development.
Similar problems face the Namib-Karoo-Kaokeveld desert, a very distinctive and floristically rich ecoregion with highly diverse endemic plant communities. Here, poor land management, conversion of marginal lands for cultivation, dam construction, mining, and illegal extraction of selected succulents for black market trade, pose a suite of threats.
Along the West Coast of South Africa, there is persistent overharvesting of many commercially valuable species and products such as pilchard, anchovy and rock lobster. Further at sea, some fish stocks have been over-harvested, and several species face local extinction.
These dangerous trends follow improvements of fishing methods, increase in fishing effort and the establishment of fishing industries South Africa's natural habitats are being colonized by alien species at great rates. Introduced species, particularly North American gamefishes such as largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, are pushing out indigenous species and threaten to lead some of them to extinction.
A high level of traffic associated with crude oil transport from the Arabian Gulf has resulted in contamination from tankers' spills and discharge of polluted ballast waters.
Friday, 30 January 2009
The Big 5 Animals In South Africa

The term ‘Big Five' originated among the hunters of a bygone era to describe not the largest of the animals that they hunted, but the most dangerous. These are lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhinoceros. Every one of these animals has a reputation for pursuing its attacker with intent to kill. Perhaps the most persistent is the buffalo, which will ceaselessly pursue his aggressor, making hunting a life-or-death experience for the hunted and the hunter! All of these mammals are to be found in South Africa, making this country one of the most popular locations for safari style holidays. Indeed, South Africa has embraced this rich wildlife heritage and welcomes visitors from all around the world who come to experience close encounters with the magnificent beasts. Many of our game lodges offer the most luxurious accommodation and facilities available for ‘bush' holidays in the world. The Sabi Sands Game Reserve in the Mpumalanga province, for example, is arguably the most exclusive game reserve in the country. With no fences existing between the Kruger Park and Sabi Sands, the wildlife roams free between the two reserves. Leopards are the main attraction here, and these awesome creatures are so accustomed to humans that you can even follow them while hunting, in an off-road vehicle. All of the Big Five can be viewed at Sabi Sands. Other well-known and excellent reserves around the country where one can view the Big Five in South Africa include the world-renowned Kruger Park in Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces, the Pilansberg Game Reserve in the North Western Province, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in the Northern Cape and the Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game Park in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Visitors who are confined to the Cape Town area are often under the impression that they will be unable to view the Big Five. However there is a reserve only 90 minutes from the centre of Cape Town, Aquila, where one can view four of the Big Five. Self-drive or guided drive tours are available from Cape Town - even one day tours are possible, although you may well wish to stay overnight in the appealing accommodation set in 4500 hectares of pristine Karoo landscape. The terrain is varied - from mountains and valleys to wetlands - ideal for game viewing be it in a 4×4 safari vehicle, on horseback or even by quad-bike. Aquila is home to four of the Big Five animals: lion, buffalo, rhino and the rare Mountain Leopard. You may also spot and giraffe and hippo, not to mention herds of wildebeest, zebra, springbok and other bucks, plus baboon, jackal and the bat-eared fox. What with the wetlands, you can expect a wealth of bird-life viewing to complete your safari experience - all so close to Cape Town! Those who can travel as far as the Eastern Cape - a pleasant day's drive along the beautiful Garden Route - can also view the Big Five and other species of game at the excellent Addo Elephant Park and Shamwari Game Reserve - both well-worth the visit for game lovers.
A safari holiday to South Africa is often considered incomplete without sightings of the Big Five. These days most people are content to take home photographs of the living animals rather than skins and hunting trophies. However there are legal hunting reserves for those who feel the need.The term ‘Big Five' originated among the hunters of a bygone era to describe not the largest of the animals that they hunted, but the most dangerous. These are lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhinoceros. Every one of these animals has a reputation for pursuing its attacker with intent to kill. Perhaps the most persistent is the buffalo, which will ceaselessly pursue his aggressor, making hunting a life-or-death experience for the hunted and the hunter! All of these mammals are to be found in South Africa, making this country one of the most popular locations for safari style holidays. Indeed, South Africa has embraced this rich wildlife heritage and welcomes visitors from all around the world who come to experience close encounters with the magnificent beasts. Many of our game lodges offer the most luxurious accommodation and facilities available for ‘bush' holidays in the world. The Sabi Sands Game Reserve in the Mpumalanga province, for example, is arguably the most exclusive game reserve in the country. With no fences existing between the Kruger Park and Sabi Sands, the wildlife roams free between the two reserves. Leopards are the main attraction here, and these awesome creatures are so accustomed to humans that you can even follow them while hunting, in an off-road vehicle. All of the Big Five can be viewed at Sabi Sands. Other well-known and excellent reserves around the country where one can view the Big Five in South Africa include the world-renowned Kruger Park in Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces, the Pilansberg Game Reserve in the North Western Province, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in the Northern Cape and the Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game Park in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Visitors who are confined to the Cape Town area are often under the impression that they will be unable to view the Big Five. However there is a reserve only 90 minutes from the centre of Cape Town, Aquila, where one can view four of the Big Five. Self-drive or guided drive tours are available from Cape Town - even one day tours are possible, although you may well wish to stay overnight in the appealing accommodation set in 4500 hectares of pristine Karoo landscape. The terrain is varied - from mountains and valleys to wetlands - ideal for game viewing be it in a 4×4 safari vehicle, on horseback or even by quad-bike. Aquila is home to four of the Big Five animals: lion, buffalo, rhino and the rare Mountain Leopard. You may also spot and giraffe and hippo, not to mention herds of wildebeest, zebra, springbok and other bucks, plus baboon, jackal and the bat-eared fox. What with the wetlands, you can expect a wealth of bird-life viewing to complete your safari experience - all so close to Cape Town! Those who can travel as far as the Eastern Cape - a pleasant day's drive along the beautiful Garden Route - can also view the Big Five and other species of game at the excellent Addo Elephant Park and Shamwari Game Reserve - both well-worth the visit for game lovers. A safari holiday to South Africa is often considered incomplete without sightings of the Big Five. These days most people are content to take home photographs of the living animals rather than skins and hunting trophies. However there are legal hunting reserves for those who feel the need.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
south africa

Archaeological research has established that South Africa was populated as far back as 8000 years ago by hunter-gatherers, whose descendants were the Khoikhoi stock herders. The Khoikhoi, who later migrated to Namaqualand, gave the name San to these early hunter-gatherers. From the interaction between the Khoikhoi and the San (and to a lesser extent Bantu -speaking people) a heterogenic society developed along the Cape coast and in the interior of the country (see Bredenkamp, 1986).
The Dutch sent an expedition to the Cape in 1652, to establish a settlement and to cultivate vegetables and other commodities to supply ships en route to the east. These first colonists soon came into contact with the indigenous peoples of the country, which in many cases led to conflict about the use of land and natural resources. Accustomed to the European way of life, they tapped the natural resources more fully than the indigenous peoples: they hunted, fished, cultivated the land, felled trees and excavated rock for building. As time passed, individuals and family groups moved further inland and eastward, mainly for farming purposes, resulting in the establishment of small settlements and towns.
The interior of the country was already populated by black people trekking southwards. They hunted, kept livestock and cultivated the land on a scale only sufficient for their own domestic use.
Until the turn of the last century, an agrarian lifestyle provided the vast majority of the population with a home and sustenance. However, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Industrial Revolution and its aftermath led to major economic, political and social changes. By now the country was divided between British rule of the former colonies of the Cape and Natal, and the two Boer republics of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. After unification in 1910, South Africa became independent, although still a Commonwealth state.
When the National Party came into power in 1948 the policy of race segregation was introduced which alienated South Africa from the international community and the Republic of South Africa was established in 1961. Toward the middle of the 1980's and especially from the beginning of the 1990's, internal dissent, including pending economic collapse, combined with external pressure and forced change within the country. This resulted in the first democratic election in 1994. One of the cornerstones of the new political order is the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996).
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Stuff To Know
As you can see, cholera is a disease that spreads through South Africa by their water way. When they drink the water, they get the disease. So now you can see how the play pump helps solve cholera. Child play is now turning into a way to filter water and give South Africans clean, fresh, drinking, playing, and bathing water. The play pump is an excellent solution to help solve cholera.
Cholera Spreads Through South Africa

Five of South Africa's nine provinces have now reported cases of cholera.
The country's department of health announced on Friday that there have been 64 deaths and nearly 18,000 infections since the outbreak began last August.
Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang had already warned that cholera could spread as people travelled back home after spending their holidays in KwaZulu-Natal province. It was there where this latest outbreak began.
But in Mpumulanga province, only one of the 27 cholera cases could be traced to KwaZulu-Natal.
The rate of infection has increased dramatically with the onset of the rainy season.
Health education
Ministers from three separate government departments held talks with officials from the WHO at the beginning of January, in an attempt to find ways to contain the spread of the disease.
Following the meeting, the government said it would release extra funds to improve sanitation in the KwaZulu-Natal area and to pay for a wide-ranging public health campaign.
For its part, the WHO has promised to bring in experts to provide advice on how to prevent the spread of the disease.
The government has described cholera as a disease of poverty, and it is the poorest who are most at risk - particularly those who live in underdeveloped rural areas and rely on rivers and streams for their drinking water.
But critics have accused the government of exacerbating the problem by introducing charges for access to clean water - a move that has prompted some people to try to save money by getting their water from contaminated sources.
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